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Stories ~ Novels vs Songs

I love meeting other creative talents. I'm tickled to introduce you to my new friend, Tim McDonald. He's an amazing pianist and songwriter in the Nashville area. You might even recognize him as the keyboardist playing behind Luke Wheeler on the ABC hit NASHVILLE (one of my favs!). It's so interesting to compare notes on how we create, market, and publish our stories. They are more similar than you'd think - even though one is done in 3 minutes, the other in 300 pages.

Check out Tim's music -- and stay tuned for some fun collobrations we've got on the horizon.

This is my favorite album LUCKY YOU.

Take a listen to LET ME LOVE YOU...which is also featured in the book trailer and story EVERY YESTERDAY, the second in the Boot Creek series, coming out on Aug 30th.

EVERY YESTERDAY will be on pre-order next month. Until then, you can download a free short story that features the hero from the first book in the Boot Creek series from my website. You'll meet Derek Hansen, and then read LIFE AFTER PERFECT and fall in love with Boot Creek.

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