CONGRATULATIONS!Melanie EdwardsMar 7, 20161 min readThe winner of the autographed hard cover edition of Sweet Tea and Secrets in the Giveaway has been announced! CHRISTIE REPLOGLE of Cary, NC Hugs and happy reading~ Your book is on its way! #sweetteaandsecrets #MothersDay #Gift #Congratulations #Winner #Goodreads #NancyNaigle #AdamsGrove #LibraryEdition #Southern #Suspense #Romance #LoveStory
The winner of the autographed hard cover edition of Sweet Tea and Secrets in the Giveaway has been announced! CHRISTIE REPLOGLE of Cary, NC Hugs and happy reading~ Your book is on its way! #sweetteaandsecrets #MothersDay #Gift #Congratulations #Winner #Goodreads #NancyNaigle #AdamsGrove #LibraryEdition #Southern #Suspense #Romance #LoveStory