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Beyond A Blog - Posts & Freebies

Melanie Edwards
Aug 11, 20171 min read
🎧 Do you love audio books too?
I love audio books, don't you? It's so nice to put on my headphones and get lost in a wonderful small town and let the story unfold. If...

Melanie Edwards
Jul 7, 20161 min read
I'm so excited that books 2-6 of the Adams Grove series are on sale for just $1.99 in the kindle format. That's a $15 savings if you buy...

Melanie Edwards
May 6, 20161 min read
Book Expo America in Chicago 5/11-13
Book Expo America made the big move from NY to Chicago this year. They've separated the two events. Book Con will be on Saturday May...

Melanie Edwards
May 3, 20161 min read
Book Release!
Spread the word! It's release day for the hard cover library edition of PECAN PIE AND DEADLY LIES. Hooray! Up until now this title has...
Melanie Edwards
Oct 1, 20151 min read
Congratulations! Goodreads Winner
Join me in a big CONGRATULATIONS to Jessica Carbaugh who won an autographed copy of SWEET TEA AND SECRETS in the GoodReads Giveaway!...

Melanie Edwards
May 28, 20151 min read
BookExpoAmerica Book Signing Today
Hey friends! If you're in NYC and attending #BookExpoAmerica #BEA15 - I'd love to say hello. Come see me in the Mystery Writers of...

Melanie Edwards
Jan 4, 20152 min read
Mark Your Calendar! 2015 is going to be busy!
I hope you're treating yourself to some good relaxing reading time because you are going to want to be caught up so you can take...

Melanie Edwards
Sep 8, 20141 min read
And being stopped for speeding changed her life.
Yep...that about sums up how Savannah Dey met Sheriff Scott Calvin. He'd stopped her for going seven miles over the speed limit....
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